Anyone who writes more than a paragraph consistently is a writer, so you are a writer.

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The geek in me just pictured you as Tony Stark and me as Peter Parker in Infinity War. Instead of knighting me as an Avenger though you've knighted me as a Writer.

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Thanks for sharing your story.

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That’s quite alright Amrita. I’m glad you enjoyed reading it.

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Feels like constant pressure. How comes that you joined the military?

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I joined because my hometown is a very small place. Everyone knows everyone’s business and I wanted to see the world. So I googled jobs that lets you travel and the Royal Navy was number 1. An hour later and I’m on the phone to the recruiting office. 12 years later and I’m probably the most well travelled guy from my hometown.

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Got it and makes sense. I'm sure you can tell a lot stories after 12 years :-)

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Oh loads. A lot I couldn’t tell because you’d think the absolute worst of us lol. There’s nice ones but most just involve lads being drunk ahd thinking “that’ll be a good idea.”

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Haha I was worried you'd say that. So it goes with every job now...

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Oh yes! If people knew the truth they’d never join. I liked your comic art by the way. In your last post.

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Thank you for keeping watch! It sounds like you're doing something difficult in order to love your neighbor. They should really update the sleep schedule to keep up with the science though!

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Thank you for your sentiments Hannah.

There’s just not enough personnel to update it tbh. If it ain’t broke then they won’t fix it. They don’t tell people about watch keeping in the recruiting centre either otherwise no one would join 😂.

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I did shift work. Sorry to hear that you're doing it right now. I would rather not do it again. Luckily I don't have to right now.

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It’s good you don’t have too. The uneven sleep is just awful. I swear it’s aged me soooo much but I still like to think that I look like a late 20’s guy and not a late 30’s guy 😂.

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Well done and explained.

I think there is great benefit, in enlightening the civilian sectors, to the daily in/outs of military life. It gives a deeper understanding and appreciation, to what goes into the sausage.

Without it, it's easy to think the de-humanized, stereo-typical, hollywood-ized versions we are fed as a society, are all there is to it.

As you and I know, that is far from the truth.

Keep writing, and sharing your thoughts. You're doing well, if that means anything from a fellow vet and substacker - across the pond.

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Thank you very much!! I do think that a small percentage of civvies think we’re just dumb people who follow orders.

What service was you a part off? I’ve actually been on the USS Winston Churchill.

I remember being out drinking with some American sailors. Most went back at midnight but we convinced one to stay out with us. My god we got him sooooo drunk. When we got him back, the gangway staff were not pleased. The ship banned the sailors from the ship from drinking with us. I think that ship was the USS Truxton.

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I will say this you Brits can drink. I remember being introduced to true cider - Scrumpy Jack - in a pub near Lakenheath. The next day I could barely stand up and the Brits were fine. The Danes were much the same...hard drinking vikings. There were 2 years in my 20's where I challenged my liver to duels on each deployment or training trip.

These days a Guinness every so often (think 6 months) is all I really want - and I'm sure I'm better for the slow down.

Not to be cryptic about my time in service, but i try and keep a very low, to non existent digital footprint, online. My job in the military worked with all the branches of our American services and many foreign ones. more ground based than naval operationally. I was stationed in central Europe with a posting in the UK for about 3 years.

My dad was in the USN and as a kid, I would get to run around base and his ship (carrier) during open houses. Great fun for a boy, to get to see and touch all that.

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That we can. When we saw the American Sailors the next day i remember them asking us how we were already out and enjoying the day lol.

Scrumpy!!! It’s a class cider. If you ever get the chance try a nice light cider known as Aspall’s. It’s really nice.

Oh you can cryptic. I’d never mention what I truly do. Just giving broad enough bits to talk about is enough. I’ve googled myself and I don’t appear on google images and my name is taken up with mostly doctors and therapists lol.

That would have been class as a lad. It would have seemed so huge for a young lad but would have had your imagination going wild.

The dream is to buy a 2nd hand carrier, about to be decommissioned and sold on the cheap and then turn it into a paintball centre. How class would that be!

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That would be a pretty damn amazing paintball arena. I would probably take half for my living quarters.

My version would be an old ICBM silo as an ultimate bugout shelter. Probably he best defensible land option, that I have seen.

I'll look into the light sider, but truly have transitioned to water, black coffee, the occasional tea and the odd Guinness. These days any more than that and I'll be asleep in the corner before the second round makes it to the table.

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😂😂 as I’ve gotten older I mainly drink Guinness and the odd whiskey. You should visit the Guinness factory in Dublin as well. You’d love it.

An ICBM silo would be class as well!!

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I regret never having made it to Ireland, during my time in the UK. Made it to Scotland and Wales many times, but the Green Isle was elusive.

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Nov 12, 2023
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Oh crap. I thought that if I replied on your re-stack it would appear here as well 😂.

I’ll say it again. Thank you for the sentiments. It means a lot. It’s like all jobs. Bursts of hard, frenzied work, then quieter periods which gives me a little time to do things like this.

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